A painter’s vital toolkit consists of brushes (rounds, flats, and filberts), palettes, palette knives, canvas or paper, paints (primary colors, black, and white), water cups, and an easel. The brushes deliver strokes, palettes blend colors, and canvas/paper provides the surface. Paints provide hues and contrast, while water cups aid in brush cleaning. The easel serves as a work surface, and sketchbooks act as idea canvases. These tools, like notes in a score, work together to create art, transforming creativity into vibrant combinations on canvas. 

A palette knife is a multipurpose instrument that is primarily used for color mixing on the palette. Its flat, flexible blade allows artists to effectively blend and manipulate paint. Palette knives are also used to apply paint in a thick impasto style to create texture and depth in a painting. So, whenever you need precise color mixing or want to experiment with unique texture effects in your artwork, use a palette knife.